作家名 |
菱川 師宣
ひしかわ もろのぶ
作品名 |
酒呑童子 褒賞
しゅてんどうじ ほうしょう
Receiving Rewards, from the series the Leader of the Ōeyama Demons; Shuten Dōji
技法/材質 |
寸法 |
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所蔵品番号 |
本図は、酒呑童子を退治して凱旋した源頼光が、その首を帝に捧げ、褒賞を賜る場面で、三方に褒賞を載せた家臣が御殿の階段を降りて来るところである。左辺に「大伝馬三丁目 鱗形屋三左衛門坂」と版元名が記されている。
本図は、酒呑童子を退治して凱旋した源頼光が、その首を帝に捧げ、褒賞を賜る場面で、三方に褒賞を載せた家臣が御殿の階段を降りて来るところである。左辺に「大伝馬三丁目 鱗形屋三左衛門坂」と版元名が記されている。
The Ko-jōruri , early ballad drama, “Shuten Dōji”, which is a combination of “Rashōmon (Demon Gate)” and “Ōeyama (Demon of Mt. Ōe)”, is a tale that spread from around the Kanbun era (1661-1673), and this illustration is the last scene in a series of black ink prints. A special production with careful coloring, the bottom right is printed with “Jū-kyū (19)”, so from this we know that it was a series of at least 19 illustrations. The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg collection houses all of the prints. Although unsigned, musha-e (warrior prints) such as “Musha-e Zukushi (Various Warrior Prints)” published in Enpō 8 (1680) are in a very similar style, and the artist has been identified by comparison as Moronobu.
This illustration is of the scene where Minamoto no Yorimitsu conquers Shuten Dōji and returns in triumph, presenting the head to the Emperor who bestows a reward upon him. A servant is carrying the reward on a stand down the steps from the palace. On the left edge is recorded the publisher’s name, “Ōdenma-chō 3-chōme, Urokogataya Sanzaemon”.
This illustration is of the scene where Minamoto no Yorimitsu conquers Shuten Dōji and returns in triumph, presenting the head to the Emperor who bestows a reward upon him. A servant is carrying the reward on a stand down the steps from the palace. On the left edge is recorded the publisher’s name, “Ōdenma-chō 3-chōme, Urokogataya Sanzaemon”.